Merry Go Round Toy Library is a community volunteer non profit toy library located in Cambridge, UK. We operate as a stay and play session on the first and third Fridays of every month.
Toy Library users
Toy library users are welcome to use toys at the session (at no cost). Toy library members can also borrow as many of our toys as they like at a small cost – from £0.50 to £2.00. Toys are checked for damage that could cause injury and removed from circulation where that is the case. When new toys are bought, these are given the same age range as given by the manufacturer. Nevertheless, Toy Library users are reminded that they use the toys at their own risk. Toy Library volunteers can take no responsibility for any injuries that may occur as a result of using our toys
Members of the toy library can borrow toys from one session to the next for children in their care to play with outside the sessions. In this way we hope to contribute to helping our environment through reducing our collective need to each buy lots of new toys. We also welcome donations of good quality toys which your children no longer want to play with.
Become a member and join our mailing list
We want to make our service as accessible as possible to all families in Cambridge. Our lifetime family membership to be able to rent costs just £1. Toy rental prices range from just 50p to £2.00. Card and cash are both acceptable.
Toy library users are encouraged to provide their views on new toys they would like to see on the shelves. Borrowing times are from one toy library session to the next. Soon, on these pages, will be a form that members can complete if they wish to renew their toys for a further session.
Browse our catalogue
Have a look through our catalogue and see if there is something that looks fun. We have toys for 0-5 year olds. We have toys for both indoor and outdoor play. Check the catalogue here.
Reserve a toy
There is no requirement for members to reserve toys at the current time. You can bring your children to the Stay and Play sessions and borrow toys at the session itself. Baby wipes will be provided for cleaning toys between use. Hand sanitizer will also always be available.
The library is run solely by volunteers who happen to be all parents living locally. The Toy Library has been running out of Ross St Community Centre since the 90s.
Like all voluntary groups, the toy library is always on the look-out for more volunteers to help our sessions run more smoothly. The more volunteers we have, the less each one of us has to do: anything from setting up, tidying up, helping to make teas/coffees, booking out and returning toys or even being a marketing mogul are all welcome. All contributions – however small they may seem to you – will be welcome. Simply email and say you’re interested.